Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category.

Tax return for 2013

Here are the Chandhok Charitable Trust’s Form 990-PF and Attachment 1 for 2013 (this time, combined as a single PDF document).


2012 tax return

Here are the Chandhok Charitable Trust’s Form 990-PF and Attachment 1 for 2012.

Form 990-PF: f990pf2012

Attachment 1: 990PF2012

Tax returns for 2011

Our Form 990-PF and attachment for tax year 2011:

f990pf2011  Form 990-PF

990PF2011 Attachment 1

Tax Returns for 2010

Our Form 990-PF and attachments for tax year 2010:

2010f990pf Form 990-PF

990PF2010 Attachment 1

f990ezb Schedule B

Tax returns for 2009

Our Form 990-PF and attachments for tax year 2009:



Tax returns for 2008

Attached are the 2008 Form 990-PF and attachment for the Chandhok Charitable Trust.

Form 990-PF

Attachment 1 to form 990PF, 2008

Tax returns for 2007

Attached are the 2007 Form 990-PF and attachment for the Chandhok Charitable Trust.

Form 990pf:

Attachment 1 to form 990pf: